Book burning is the only way to defeat fascism
(Wiadomość utworzona zbyt dawno temu. Odpowiedź niemożliwa.)
2021-04-08 20:26:20 UTC

Make a bonfire of Dr Seuss
Titania McGrath on how
April 2021
By Titania McGrath

Those on the right side of history have always been supportive of state censorship and the burning of books. I recently saw a beautiful Pathé newsreel from 1933 in which early social justice activists are seen in Berlin’s Opernplatz throwing books onto a bonfire. I’m not quite sure what’s going on because I don’t speak German, but I presume they were decolonising a university curriculum or something.

We’ve seen similarly empowering imagery with people burning copies of J.K. Rowling’s books and posting the footage online. The Irish pop duo known as “Jedward” tweeted that Rowling’s novel Troubled Blood would make the perfect kindling for a “romantic fire”.

The estate of Dr Seuss has announced that six of his books will no longer be published because of racially insensitive material

I haven’t actually read the book, because to do so would be to dignify the outrageous transphobic stereotypes that I’ve decided that the book contains. But even if it doesn’t contain such material, the very act of writing a book is hugely offensive to the illiterate community. Which is almost certainly why Jedward got involved in the first place.

Now the estate of Dr Seuss has announced that six of his books will no longer be published because of racially insensitive material. This has led the books in question to leap to the top of the Amazon charts, which just goes to show that people who buy books are generally Nazis.

Defenders of Dr Seuss have pointed out that ethical standards change over time. But just because Dr Seuss was born in 1904, that doesn’t mean that he shouldn’t have had a firm grasp of the values of twenty-first century intersectional feminists. Besides, the anti-lesbian subtext of The Cat in the Hat is unmistakable.

In addition, Amazon has started to remove books that it classifies as “hate speech”, including When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment by Ryan T. Anderson. As left-wing activists, it is imperative that we encourage multi-billion-dollar corporations to monitor what we are able to read.

So let us go forth and burn books, rename streets, erase the past and re-educate the masses so that they have the correct opinions. It’s the only way to defeat fascism.
2021-04-09 09:37:49 UTC
On Thu, 8 Apr 2021 13:26:20 -0700 (PDT), brat_olin
Post by brat_olin
Make a bonfire of Dr Seuss
Titania McGrath on how
April 2021
By Titania McGrath
Those on the right side of history have always been supportive of state
censorship and the burning of books. I recently saw a beautiful Pathé newsreel
from 1933 in which early social justice activists are seen in Berlin’s
Opernplatz throwing books onto a bonfire. I’m not quite sure what’s going on
because I don’t speak German, but I presume they were decolonising a university
curriculum or something.
We’ve seen similarly empowering imagery with people burning copies of J.K.
Rowling’s books and posting the footage online. The Irish pop duo known as
“Jedward” tweeted that Rowling’s novel Troubled Blood would make the perfect
kindling for a “romantic fire”.
The estate of Dr Seuss has announced that six of his books will no longer be
published because of racially insensitive material
I haven’t actually read the book, because to do so would be to dignify the
outrageous transphobic stereotypes that I’ve decided that the book contains.
But even if it doesn’t contain such material, the very act of writing a book is
hugely offensive to the illiterate community. Which is almost certainly why
Jedward got involved in the first place.
Now the estate of Dr Seuss has announced that six of his books will no longer
be published because of racially insensitive material. This has led the books
in question to leap to the top of the Amazon charts, which just goes to show
that people who buy books are generally Nazis.
Defenders of Dr Seuss have pointed out that ethical standards change over
time. But just because Dr Seuss was born in 1904, that doesn’t mean that he
shouldn’t have had a firm grasp of the values of twenty-first century
intersectional feminists. Besides, the anti-lesbian subtext of The Cat in the
Hat is unmistakable.
In addition, Amazon has started to remove books that it classifies as “hate
speech”, including When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender
Moment by Ryan T. Anderson. As left-wing activists, it is imperative that we
encourage multi-billion-dollar corporations to monitor what we are able to
So let us go forth and burn books, rename streets, erase the past and
re-educate the masses so that they have the correct opinions. It’s the only way
to defeat fascism.
Jak wszystkim wiadom sa dobre palenia ksiazek i zle palenia ksiazek.
Tutaj przyklad dobrego palenia ksiazek:


"Harry Potter", "Zmierzch", slon i Hello Kitty splonely na stosie
przed kosciolem, bo "przynosza zla moc"

W jednej z gdanskich parafii po mszy publicznie spalono ksiazki i
przedmioty, a wsród nich bestsellery J.K. Rowling, ksiazki o
hinduizmie oraz afrykanska maske czy figurki slonia i kota. Przedmioty
te na prosbe ksiedza przyniesli parafianie, by pozbyc sie wszystkiego,
co "przynosi zla moc".

- Po mszy swietej w niedziele, o 10 byla msza, o 11 sie skonczylo. I
te dary, co byly przynoszone w ciagu tygodnia, zostaly zabrane przed
kosciólek i bylo ognisko – opowiada nam parafianka gdanskiej parafii
NMP Matki Kosciola i sw. Katarzyny Szwedzkiej. Jej kosciól znajduje
sie przy ul. Marynarki Polskiej 148.

"Oczyszczanie" mieszkan

Przedmioty, które zostaly spalone, byly przynoszone z domów przez
wiernych. Wedlug wskazówek ksiedza mialy byc to rzeczy, które sa
zwiazane z przesadami czy wierzeniami. - Rzeczy, które rozpraszaja,
jakies amulety, wrózki, które rzekomo przynosza szczescie – wyjasnia
nasza rozmówczyni. - Po prostu eliminujemy sprzety, które zla moc
przynosza. Oczyscic mieszkanie ze zlych mocy. Zaufac Bogu – dodaje.

Wsród spalonych na stosie przed kosciolem rzeczy byly najrózniejsze
przedmioty, ale przede wszystkim ksiazki - glównie fantasy, jak
powiesci o Harrym Potterze czy saga "Zmierzch", ale takze pozycje
myslicieli hinduskich. Oprócz tego widac maske afrykanska, figurki
sloni, parasolke z postacia z japonskich kreskówek Hello Kitty oraz
ramki z obrazami – sa polozone frontem do ziemi, wiec nie widac, co na
nich jest.

Zdjecia z wydarzenia opublikowala na swoim profilu internetowym
Fundacja SMS z Nieba, która ma siedzibe w Koszalinie - to ona
organizowala rekolekcje w gdanskiej parafii. Zdjecia opatrzone byly
cytatami z Biblii i Katechizmu Kosciola Katolickiego, które odnosily
sie do palenia ksiazek dotyczacych magii czy odrzuceniu okultyzmu i

Jestesmy posluszni Slowu:
"Posagi ich bogów spalisz, nie bedziesz pozadal srebra ani zlota,
jakie jest na nich, i nie wezmiesz go dla siebie, aby cie to nie
uwiklalo, gdyz Pan, Bóg twój, sie tym brzydzi" . Pwt 7, 25
"Duza liczba uprawiajacych magie przynosila swe ksiegi i palil je
wobec wszystkich". Dz 19, 19a
Ks. Gabriel Amorth, Ks. Olszewski - wprost przestrzegaja przed tym, by
uwazac, co sie czyta, poniewaz wplywa to na nas i na nasze
postrzeganie swiata. facebook.com/smsznieba

Jak w sredniowieczu

Wielu internautów na widok palenia ksiazek w komentarzach pod postem
zareagowala oburzeniem. Niektórzy przypominali, jak w historii
zapisaly sie podobne akcje organizowane przez Inkwizycje w
sredniowieczu czy nazistów w 1933 roku w Niemczech.

Proboszcz parafii nie chcial z nami rozmawiac. Przedstawiciele
Fundacji SMS z Nieba z kolei nie odbierali telefonów. Na jej profilu w
odpowiedzi na ataki internautów pojawila sie za to krótka odpowiedz
jej zalozyciela ksiedza Rafala Jarosiewicza. Pisze on: "Marzy mi sie
taki czas, kiedy ludzie w protescie przeciw zabijaniu nienarodzonych
dzieci, beda reagowac choc w polowie tak gorliwie, jak na spalenie
ksiazek o magii…".

Ksiadz Jaroszewicz zaslynal z inicjatywy tak zwanego Mobilnego
Konfesjonalu. To bus, który ma pelnic funkcje konfesjonalu, którym
ksiadz podrózowal z miejsca na miejsce, miedzy innymi przed centrami
handlowymi, salami koncertowymi, na rynkach miast.

Kuria: forma nieodpowiednia

- Sama forma byla dyskusyjna, a nawet nieodpowiednia. Nie podpisalbym
sie pod nia – krytykuje ks. Wojciech Parafianowicz, rzecznik kurii
biskupiej w Koszalinie. Jednak z drugiej strony podkresla, ze
szkodliwe jest istnienie okultyzmu, wrózb i podobnych zjawisk i
intencje ksiedza ocenia jako dobre.

- Kosciól zawsze bedzie na nie wskazywal, poniewaz maja one
destrukcyjny wplyw na zycie wielu ludzi. Z pewnoscia takie wlasnie
intencje przyswiecaly pomyslodawcom rekolekcji. Nie mieli oni tez
wplywu na to, co ostatecznie przyniosa ze soba ich uczestnicy -
zaznaczyl ks. Parfianowicz.

Ksiadz Parafianowicz zauwaza równiez, ze cale wydarzenie zostalo
oderwane od kontekstu, czyli tematu rekolekcji ze szkoda dla samej

- Czym innym jest bycie na miejscu, uslyszenie odpowiedniego
wprowadzenia, a czym innym obejrzenie w internecie wyrwanego z
kontekstu zdjecia opatrzonego tendencyjnym tytulem. Powtórze jednak,
ze forma dzialania byla nieodpowiednia i w odbiorze medialnym mogla
nawet odwrócic uwage od realnych zagrozen duchowych - podkreslil ks.

- Mówimy teraz o jakims zdjeciu, o tej formie, zamiast rozmawiac o
realnym problemie - zaluje.

Przyznaje, ze rozmawial z "ksiedzem Rafalem" i przekazal mu to samo.
Kuria zadnych konsekwencji nie zamierza wobec niego wyciagac, ale
liczy na to, ze ksiadz zmieni w przyszlosci forme rekolekcji.
Russet Bulba
2021-04-09 14:23:34 UTC
Post by brat_olin
Make a bonfire of Dr Seuss
Titania McGrath on how
April 2021
By Titania McGrath
Those on the right side of history have always been supportive of state censorship and the burning of books. I recently saw a beautiful Pathé newsreel from 1933 in which early social justice activists are seen in Berlin’s Opernplatz throwing books onto a bonfire. I’m not quite sure what’s going on because I don’t speak German, but I presume they were decolonising a university curriculum or something.
We’ve seen similarly empowering imagery with people burning copies of J.K. Rowling’s books and posting the footage online. The Irish pop duo known as “Jedward” tweeted that Rowling’s novel Troubled Blood would make the perfect kindling for a “romantic fire”.
The estate of Dr Seuss has announced that six of his books will no longer be published because of racially insensitive material
Now the estate of Dr Seuss has announced that six of his books will no longer be published because of racially insensitive material. This has led the books in question to leap to the top of the Amazon charts, which just goes to show that people who buy books are generally Nazis.
Defenders of Dr Seuss have pointed out that ethical standards change over time. But just because Dr Seuss was born in 1904, that doesn’t mean that he shouldn’t have had a firm grasp of the values of twenty-first century intersectional feminists. Besides, the anti-lesbian subtext of The Cat in the Hat is unmistakable.
In addition, Amazon has started to remove books that it classifies as “hate speech”, including When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment by Ryan T. Anderson. As left-wing activists, it is imperative that we encourage multi-billion-dollar corporations to monitor what we are able to read.
So let us go forth and burn books, rename streets, erase the past and re-educate the masses so that they have the correct opinions. It’s the only way to defeat fascism.
Lewactwo zawsze bylo wrogiem prawdy. Jak i te dwa socjalizmy: jeden 'internacjonalny' zanim zaczal byc narodowym i ten od poczatku narodowy. Zreszta tp samo z kazdym systemem zamknietym, a sa nimi na ogol religie i zawsze ideologie.